A lifelong slave for the killer of children
The draft of the amendments to the Criminal Code that should be foreseen lifelong slayers for the killers of children will be submitted to the Serbian Parliament next week
That’s for “Blic” announced by Igor Juric, the father of the late Tijana Juric (15), a girl brutally killed in July 2014 by Dragan Djuric, a butcher from Surcin. The draft is part of the action conducted by the Foundation “Tijana Jurić” and “Blic” with the aim of introducing into the Criminal Code of Serbia the possibility of determining life imprisonment for killings of children.
Jurić explains that the draft is a product dedicated to the work of serious people, experts who are familiar with the law and case law in Serbia, and are aware that changes in this sphere are necessary.
– These changes were done by the professors of the Law Faculty in Novi Sad, students and trainees, as well as those who have experience in working on drafts of various laws that are taught to the Ministry of Justice. In addition to the draft, we will also include a list of European countries where this type of punishment exists, and the reasons why we consider it necessary to introduce it in Serbia. As I have already said, the drafting of these changes is not simple, because such a sentence in Serbia has not yet existed. We will hand over this document to the Assembly next week, specifically the Mayors of the Parliament Mayi Gojkovic – Jurić announces.
Tijan’s father notes that with the handing over of the signatures within the campaign, the time period in which the Assembly is expected to put a draft in the procedure, ie the debate, and then the voting will be determined.
– We will not allow the action to be canceled, but we will finish the job responsibly to the end. We will give the assembly a deadline, say six months, to put the changes in the procedure, and if that does not happen in that period, we will move on to collect signatures within the petition. Although 30,000 signatures are needed in this case, we plan to – with the help of the network that the Foundation has throughout Serbia – to collect 500,000 signatures – says Igor.
This petition, then, should be a cover with which the participants of the action will turn to the Serbian government, with the request that the changes be implemented.
– If the Assembly and the Government do not understand the cry of 500,000 people – then we are in big trouble. We need the support of the entire society – emphasizes Jurić.
“Blic” and “Tijana Juric” Foundation, with the action “Lifelong Assassination for the Killing of Children”, want to draw the attention of the expert public to the necessity of amending the Criminal Code so that the brutal killers of children will prevent them from hurting themselves once they leave the slave. This change, which we are sure to happen, arrives too late for some of the greatest bloodthirsty in Serbia’s history – Tijan’s killer Dragan Djuric, monsters like Darko Kostic (murderer Ivana Podrascic), Malis Jevtovic (killer Katarina Jankovic), Mladen Ogulinac Marija Jovanović) and others – but wants to prevent it, that the horrible murders of children in Serbia will not happen again.