Successful tribune held in Mladenovac on topic “Society and state in the fight against drug addiction”

On Saturday, March 11, 2017, in the premises of the city municipality of Mladenovac, the panel “Society and state in the fight against drug addiction” was held in organization of the Professional Association of the Security Sector (SUSB).

The panel was attended by a large number of pupils, young people, representatives of the municipality of Mladenovac and the Parliament of Serbia. Moderator of the panel discussion was Marina Kostic, Secretary General of SUSB.

SUSB President Dejan Milutinovic introduced the participants to what the drugs are, what types of drugs exist, which they developed and how to fight them. He also introduced the present to the presentation by Zoran Vitorovic, a journalist and activist from Switzerland, who presented us with European experiences of combating drug addiction and the basics of Switzerland’s policy to combat this phenomenon. Spiritual and philosophical aspects of the need for “healthy reason to be destroyed by opiates” and what education can be achieved in the fight against drug addiction is presented by Miloš Bogdanović, a researcher and publicist. He stated that children are drunk with hedonistic education itself and that the state is not in a position to solve the characteristic problems of the people, but that it is the responsibility of every individual, and of his parents while he is a child.

In the end, Stevan Djokic, from the Center for Security, Investigation and Defense (DBA), introduced the participants to the experiences of the fight against drug addiction, the ways in which the request for the cessation of drug withdrawal, the subsequent resocialization and monitoring of the condition of persons who stopped taking Narcotics. It has been pointed out that certain drugs can be inflicted at home, as they can be used in various forms of exploitation of young people, especially girls, that there is no difference between light and heavy drugs and that even different types of grass used as a drug can be deadly because they can contain high concentrations of the chemical substances to be treated.

The experience of the Mladenovac municipality in the fight against drug abuse was presented by Dimitrije Milutinovic, from the SUSB in charge of police affairs, who introduced the present to the police and prosecutors’ efforts to fight drug addiction in the territory of the municipality of Mladenovac, since in 2013, 17 criminal charges were filed against the work against health of the people, none of them against minors, while in 2016, 53 criminal reports were filed, of which 4 against juveniles.

In the part relating to the discussion of the participants, the presenters suggested that the organizers should hold a forum for parents to help them see behavior related to the consumption or making of drugs and pointed out the need for further education of young people on this topic.

Marina Kostić, Secretary General of SUSB